Here’s some basic information about visiting Ekoji. If you have more questions, please contact the group(s) you plan to visit.
Hours. The building is open only during scheduled services or events.

Address. 3411 Grove Avenue, Richmond, VA 23221
Parking. Street parking is limited; be sure to check signs for what’s permitted. Ekoji has a small, free parking lot for people attending events and services. From Nansemond Street, enter the alleyway between Grove and Floyd. Parking lot will be on your left. The back door has a sign “Ekoji Buddhist Sangha.” Please go slow! To avoid colliding with someone in the narrow alley, or raising too much dust.
Access. Ekoji’s parking lot (see Parking, above) has handicap spaces and access ramp into the building. If you need assistance, please call ahead and let the group leader know.
Before your first visit. Check the webpage of each group you wish to visit for possible changes to the schedule, the particular group’s traditional etiquette, and so on. Some groups require that you pre-arrange an orientation through that group’s contact person before attending a service.
What to wear. Comfortable, loose-fitting clothes are best. With respect to the temple setting, traditionally we go for modesty: no short-shorts, minis, tank tops, etc.
Seating is your choice of floor cushion or chair.
When to arrive. If the group you visit does not require an orientation, please arrive 5 to 10 minutes before the meditation or service begins. If you arrive late, don’t worry; just slip in quietly and take a seat.
Cost. Regular services are free. Please consider making a donation toward expenses such as building upkeep, teachers’ honorariums, etc. Some events, such as seminars, may have a fee; details will be in the event’s listing.
Do you have to be Buddhist to go to Ekoji? No. The Buddha always welcomed anyone willing to listen, with no pressure to “convert.”
Choosing a group. You can attend any or all of the group practices. Many people attend more than one practice until they find one (or more) that suits them.
Do I have to know how to meditate? No — but newcomers are encouraged to check in to the group they visit to see if there’s an orientation before the meeting.
Student and Class Visits
To arrange an interview or other one-on-one discussion, please contact the representative of the group you’re researching.
Individual Students. Feel free to visit any of the groups found on this website. Be sure to check the group’s page before you attend, for information on their traditions and etiquette and any schedule changes.
Group of 3 or more students. Not every group at Ekoji is able to host groups. Please contact the group representative before bringing a group of 3 or more.